Monday 11 February 2019

Organisation of Field Police Battalions.

Each Army has a Field Police battalion  as part of the Army Command brigade. These battalions provide security to the Army Command battalion together with traffic control, POW management  and conventional policing functions within the Army.

Each battalion has a command company and 5 Field Police companies, one of which is mounted and structured as Cavalry.

The Field Police company consists of 3 platoons each of 12 Police led by a Lieutenant assisted by a Sergeant. The 3 platoons in a company are commanded by a Captain supported by a company Sergeant Major. The strength of a company is 44.

The mounted  squadron (company) consists of two troops (platoons) each of 8 Police with a Lieutenant in command assisted by a Sergeant. The two troops (platoons) in the squadron (company) are commanded by a Captain assisted by a Sergeant Major. The strength of the Squadron (company) is 22.

The Headquarters company comprises a Staff platoon of 4 privates and a Sergeant, a Medical platoon of 12 medics, two medic Sergeants, a surgeon Lieutenant with a surgeon Captain in command. The Quartermaster platoon has 8 privates and a  Sergeant with a Lieutenant in command. The Signals platoon has 10 signallers with a Sergeant and Lieutenant in command. The command platoon has a Lieutenant Colonel as battalion commander with a Major as Adjutant and second in command , a battalion Sergeant Major and two standard bearers, one with the national flag and one with the battalion flag. The total strength of the headquarters company is 48 giving a total battalion strength of 246.

The vehicles and equipment of the battalion comprises 4 GS wagons towing a field kitchen trailer, a water tank trailer, a signals trailer and a medical trailer.

The photo shows the Field Police companies on the left with the mounted squadron in the centre and the headquarters company on the right in front of the battalion vehicles. My armies have a total of 3 Field Police battalions. The arm of service colour for Field Police is dark green.


  1. Good too hear you have found a car, even with the wait.
    Interesting the progress you have made.
