Saturday 22 December 2018

Well this will be my last post before Christmas. Not much to report this time due to lots of Christmas activities. I have managed to complete the batch of 36 GS wagons and these have mainly been issued to Heavy Weapons battalions with  a few going to a couple of QM battalions. Work continues on the Army Group Command battalion and the Cavalry regiment. No doubt I will have a lot more time after Christmas to work on my army and will  write some more new posts for the blog. In the meantime Merry Christmas to anyone who actually reads this blog, don't forget to leave a comment please.

Friday 14 December 2018

Not too much happening again this week due to Christmas activities. I have managed to finish the Quartermaster battalion however. Still working on the Cavalry regiment and the batch of GS wagons as well as the Army Group Command battalion. I doubt much progress will be made next week as we have a few days away in London but I will give another update before Christmas.
To my regular reader in Ukraine, welcome !!!!! I hope you like the various posts, please leave a comment sometime, I would like to hear your views.

Monday 10 December 2018

Organisation of Pioneer Battalions.

The Pioneer battalion comprises of 5 Pioneer companies and a Headquarters company.

The Pioneer company consists of 3 platoons each of 12 Pioneers led by a Lieutenant assisted by a Sergeant. The 3 platoons in a company are commanded by a Captain supported by a company Sergeant Major. The strength of a company is 44.

The Headquarters company comprises a Staff platoon of 6 privates and a Sergeant, a Medical platoon of 12 medics, two medic Sergeants, a surgeon Lieutenant with a surgeon Captain in command. The Quartermaster platoon has 14 privates, 2 Sergeants with a Lieutenant in command. The Signals platoon has 10 signallers with a Sergeant and Lieutenant in command. The command platoon has a Lieutenant Colonel as battalion commander with a Major as Adjutant and second in command , a battalion Sergeant Major and two standard bearers, one with the national flag and one with the battalion flag. The total strength of the headquarters company is  57 giving a total battalion strength of  277.

The vehicles and equipment of the battalion comprise 7 GS wagons, 3 light GS trailers, a field kitchen, a water tank trailer, a medical trailer and a signals trailer. Three of the GS wagons with light GS trailers are loaded with a wide range of tools, demolition materials and salvage storage bags. These materials reflect the various roles of the Pioneers which include construction, demolition and battlefield salvage and clearance although the Pioneers also have a substantial combat capability and are routinely assigned the role of Brigade reserve hence the provision of Medical staff to Infantry standards.

The above photo shows the Pioneer companies on the left with the Command company on the right in front of the battalion vehicles. My armies have 12 Pioneer battalions and the arm of service colour is sand yellow.

With the coming of Christmas I have had less time to work on the army than usual or at least those sessions I have had have been shorter due to the demands of extra shopping or cleaning or pursuit of Christmas spirit !!!!!!
I have managed to complete the Infantry battalion mentioned last week. However work still continues on the Quartermaster battalion , the Cavalry regiment and the batch of 32 GS wagons although I have been able to make a start on the Army Group Command battalion. I will be publishing a few more articles on unit organisation as I get a few spare minutes.