Monday 13 March 2023


Just a brief note to report that having had cataract surgery at the end of last week I can now just about see enough to read blogs and type this post.  The procedure went well and was totally pain free however I now have quite different levels of vision in each eye which is very disconcerting. I am due to have my other eye done later this week after which I shall not be able to use my glasses at all. However I should have excellent close range vision and be well able to read, watch TV and type or indeed paint and model. Driving will not however be an option. I should be able to get tested for new glasses for long distance around early April ....I will miss driving so much !!!!!!


  1. Glad to hear the procedure went well Tony. My brother had one eye done during one of the gaps in lockdown and once recovered, he was amazed at how clearly he could see things, which showed how bad it had been prior to that.

    1. Hi Steve....Yes I now have one eye that shows amazing colour and is extraordinary how much my vision had deteriorated over the past few years. Cant wait for the other one to be done and then get new glasses....Regards.

  2. Congratulations on the successful procedure; may the second one go as well. It sure makes a difference , especially painting.

  3. Hi Joe....Thank you...It really is amazing how much better and clearer I can see....once both eyes are done painting will for sure become lots easier and the colours will be so much clearer too....Regards

  4. Tony -
    From my own experience of lens replacement, I congratulate you on the success of your own procedures. The effect for me was far better than I dreamed it would be.

  5. Hi Ion....Yes the improvement so far is amazing. I can see with my "new" eye through my reading glasses better than previously with my regular glasses. Regards.
