Friday 1 July 2022



My first post to this blog was on 29 June 2018. Over the subsequent four years  I have achieved the following:

Posted 333 articles.

Received 369 comments.

Had 18076 hits on the site.

Secured 13 very welcomed followers.

Although not impressive figures compared to many other blogs, I think I have done remarkably well given the very niche nature of my subject.  Woodscrew soldiers were never going to command a lot of interest especially as I am not a wargamer although I am interested in the subject.

I have tried to expand the appeal of the blog by including endless book reviews and writing about my Imagi-Nations. These activities have definitely helped expand my audience but by far and away the biggest impact on the blog was the decision by Archduke Piccolo to wargame a campaign from my Imagi-Nations series. The resulting posts he did on the battles were hugely popular and many readers crossed referenced to my blog which led to a doubling of my followers.

This all proves that well written battle reports create the most interest. As I do not wargame I will never appeal to that audience but that's ok. I write primarily for my pleasure and amusement, if that interests others so much the better but if not so be it.

Anyway, a big thank you to the following:

Ian Dury for encouraging me to start blogging.

Mark at Man of Tin, my first follower and supporter

Steve J at Wargaming Addict and Joe of Fish Tales for regularly commenting

Ion at Archduke Piccolo for his enthusiasm for my Imagi-Nations 

and of course my family who now know for sure that, having well over 60,000 painted screw soldiers, I am "not all there" !!!!


  1. I don't think any of us are truly "all there" Tony, given the nature of our hobby which can at times seem obsessive, left field etc, but then I wouldn't want it any other way. Your armies may be niche but I just love them as I've said before. See keep up the good work of posting for the select few that follow your Blog;).

    1. Hi Steve....Thanks as always for your interest and support. Of course you are right that not being all there is perfectly ok. I will do my best to keep your interest with my future posts. Regards.

  2. 4 years, wow!!! We’ve always known that Dad, but not to worry! We love you more because of it xxx (Laura)

    1. Hi Eldest Daughter....Yes time does fly.... so you think I have always been "not all there." catch things from your kids you know !!!!!

  3. Congratulations sir! - and glad that I did my small 'bit' to encourage you on your journey. As regards the 'not all there' view - aren't we English supposed to be a little eccentric.....?

    1. Hi Ian....Thanks always for your encouragement.. Yes mad dogs and Englishmen ...... Regards
