Thursday 23 December 2021


 Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all.

Just a line to thank all my readers for taking the time to read my blog this past year and I hope to retain your support in 2022. I hope you all have a great Christmas and get the model soldiers, books and other modelling or wargaming things you want from Santa. If you only get shower gel or aftershave, you did not drop enough hints and if you only get socks, you must be on the naughty list !!!!!!

The highlight of my blogging year has to be how  Ion at Archduke Piccolo blog  has taken my Imagi-Nations posts and created an amazing wargame campaign with a raft of superb battle reports. I am proud to have had even a small part in such a well received event.  I wonder if there is another campaign to be had in 2022 !!!!!

I hope 2022 is a prosperous, safe and happy year for you all.


  1. Tony -
    I am honoured to have had my small part in your vast project! I think of you as my co-author of that Second Sino-Union War history and narrative.

    Will another campaign be had in 2022? In the world of Tian? We'll just have to see! If there is - no promises, mind - I think I'll run it a little differently - especially if it happens to be a larger scale affair.

    1. This really ought not to be a postscript; but I am too casual about such things. For your Christmas cheer and New Year celebrations: have a good one!
      All the best,

    2. Ion.... Thanks for the kind words. A 2022 campaign, now would that not be something special !!!!!!! Best Wishes.

  2. Tony, I've enjoyed your varied Blog posts, even if not everyone else appreciates the look of woodscrew armies! Your campaign and how Ion has taken it onto the table has been a joy to read and I hope that something similar occurs in 2022! Finally a Merry Xmas to you too!

    1. Steve.... Many thanks for the kind words. Another campaign in 2022 would be rather special I think. Let's hope Ion is up for it. Best Wishes.

  3. Merry Christmas, may your coatings never fail.

  4. Joe....Thank you for that kind thought, enjoy your socks !!!!!! Best wishes.
