Sunday 6 December 2020


 My wife and I have never subscribed to any form of social media for a number of reasons. One of them is that the airwaves seem to have a lot of strange people who's only pleasure is to fire off abusive rants rather than engage in sensible conversation.

I have to report that unfortunately my blog has attracted the attention of such a creature. I will not engage with this "person" and can only contrast their ridiculous tirade with the highly intelligent, well reasoned and valid comments from Archduke Piccolo that arrived the following day. AP had reservations about something I had written and took me to task but in a very agreeable manner. I hope he is happy with my response. I am always delighted to engage with those who have a different opinion or view than me, that's one way in which we learn. 

There is no place on this blog for the abusive ravings of a moron but there will always be a welcome for intelligent, reasoned and good willed comment whether it is positive or negative.

That said, this week has again not produced much modelling time. All I have managed to do in finally complete the cavalry upgrade and paint arm of service and rank insignia on the last heavy weapons upgrade batch.


  1. You are most welcome. I had always expected to get some "challenges" about the concept of painting woodscrews as soldiers. Interestingly that has never happened. This particular "rant" was directed to comments I made about a book of all things. Life is full of surprises.
