Saturday 18 July 2020


This is a new book to me although originally published in 2000. It describes the wagons and their makers as used to supply the Western frontier especially Santa Fe from 1822 to 1880.

The book is the result of many years research into wagons types, manufacturers and the history generally of the wagon trains supplying the outposts of civilisation in the West of the USA. In that regard it really is a masterpiece. Everything you could want is here including construction techniques, wagon factories and makers and the evolution of wagons over the years.

This book once again proves that the humble wagon was capable of moving enormous quantities of supplies over huge distances. The sheer numbers involved in supplying the West are staggering in terms of wagons used, tons of supplies carried and the miles traveled.

Overall an excellent book and recommended for those interested in this aspect of the Old West as well as those interested in 19th century logistics generally, like me !!!!!

Just as an aside, I have been watching the Civil War series on TV. It has been on many times over the years but I always seem to see something new. Last night there was a photo of a military wagon train drawn up by a river. The number of wagons must have been in the hundreds at least. Such an impressive shot, I would love to find that picture, I must do a bit of research.


  1. Hi Tony -
    You might like this pic:

  2. This is exactly the photo I was referring to. Thanks. I will now see if I can find it on the web and copy it to the blog. regards Tony
