Tuesday 1 November 2022



Another book from my library, it relates the 1876 US Army campaign against the Indians which culminated in the Battle of The Little Big Horn and Custer's last stand.

The first half of the book details the various expeditions to the Powder River country and the history of the fighting against the plains Indians in the general area including the famous battle at Little Big Horn with an emphasis on logistics. The second half of the book relates in detail the supply arrangements for the campaign of 1876 and in particular the supply depot that was established at Powder River and the archaeological excavations carried out on the site in 1983.

The historical element of the book is first class and gives a clear and detailed analysis of the US Army's activities against the Sioux Indians but the results of the archaeological investigations are really fascinating.  Items found cover the whole range of products of the time even including bottle fragments that were identified as British made beer bottles. Who would have thought that British beer would find its way to the American frontier and in large quantities too.

I accept that this is very much a highly specialised topic but it makes for very interesting reading and gives a great insight into life on the early American frontier especially for the soldiers during the Indian wars.

Highly recommended if you have an interest in this sort of history.


  1. The perfect sort of book for those planning a campaign against the Native Americans around this period. Supply issues must have been a bit of a nightmare and as always, amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics!

    1. Hi Steve....Yes logistics were a real problem for the US Army during the campaigns against the Indians yet are not often discussed in most books on the Indian wars. Never likely to be a "best seller" book but to me, perfect !!!!...Regards.
