Tuesday 11 October 2022


 As  Autumn has now arrived I am hoping for some more modelling time. As mentioned before I have done very little this Summer, there always seems to have been something else to do. That said I have this week just managed to complete the battalion of Heavy Artillery that has been on the bench for at least three or more months. The Cavalry regiment still has some way to go but I have finally started the priming of the horses. Once that's done the top coat can be applied and they will be completed too. I have also managed to draft the next article in my Imagi-Nations series which I hope to publish next week.

Finally for this brief update, I am, at this point in time, less than two days away from Three Score Years and Ten......I really cannot quite grasp that I have become so old.....the inner me is at most only 15 or so....some would say more like 7   !!!!!!  Of course the body says otherwise as does the mirror  and with children in their forties the evidence is overwhelming that I really am old !!!!!!   With the number of meals booked with friends and family over the rest of the week, I think the bathroom scales may well also be sending a message soon !!!!!

No doubt like everyone else reaching this milestone, I wonder where the time has gone. The years seem to be rolling by with greater speed than ever and I still have well over 20,000 screws to paint !!!!!


  1. From the Legion gone before you, welcome! Keep painting those screws!

    1. Thank you..I could not be joining a more illustrious company....and I will as long as I can.. Regards.

  2. Looking forward to seeing you latest editions to your forces Tony, ditto your Imagi-Nations article. Happy birthday in advance! Our daughter will be 24 on Thursday and we wonder were has the time gone as it only seems like yesterday that she was born. In my mind I'm 25 but my body certainly tells me otherwise as I'll hit the 6 - 0 next year, all being well...

    1. So your daughter and I share the same birthday...13th...what a small world. Happy birthday to her. Wish I was coming up to 60...sounds very youthful to me !!!! Regards.

    2. Happy Birthday for today Tony! Hope you have a great day, get some new toys etc and maybe get the troops on parade for you to review on this special day;).

    3. Thanks Steve....had a good day and got some new brushes, paints and thinners...some may think odd presents but great for me. Regards.

  3. Tony -
    I'm looking at the big seven-zero receding in my rearview mirror - nearer my 72nd than my 71st birthday. With advancing years one's sense of mortality starts to kick in rather - a sense, as I have commented elsewhere, of 'so many projects, so few of me'. Mind you I really need to get out more.

    I'm looking forward to more chronicles of Tian - always an interesting read!

  4. Yes I get that....I still need to paint 20,000 screws and build hundreds of vehicles to get to my target and that is several years of work, I really need to make time slow down.....Regards
