Friday 4 February 2022


 Although it has been almost a month since I gave an update on my activities, it seems only a few days ago to me. Certainly one disadvantage of advancing age is that the days and weeks seem to fly by and I struggle to recall what I have been up to yet I feel I have been so busy !!!!

On the modeling front I have completed the soldiers of a field artillery battalion, the first of 12 for the new army.

In addition I have finished building the first batch of GS wagons. So that is 36 done of a total needed of 390   !!!!!

Finally I am also well advanced with the second of the 24 infantry battalions needed. I still have some rank and arm of service details to add and then they all need two coats of varnish.

So I feel I have been quite productive over the past few weeks especially as I have also been engaged in the process of buying a new car. Always a fun thing to do but a shame I am having to wait till the beginning of May for delivery because of the microchip shortage. However, given what I said at the start of this update, by the time I get there it will no doubt seem I have been waiting only a couple of weeks at most. !!!!!!


  1. I can relate to the whole time flying by thing Tony, certainly more so since early retirement to become a full time carer. I look back at the end of the day and wonder what I've done, but I haven't been idle, that's for sure!

  2. Hi Steve..Yes it is a strange thing how the time vanishes with increasing rapidity as the years go by. I took early retirement, by choice, aged 50 and I have been busy ever since but doing what...I have no idea !!!! Regards.
