Sunday 22 August 2021


 August in the UK this year has clearly been the first month of Autumn with some weeks of rain, cloud and low temperatures. The good side of this is that I have managed to get a bit more modelling time. Since my last update I have completed  upgrades 27 through 32 which have added 714 more soldiers to the ranks. 

On the woodworking project I am still waiting for the quarter inch thick white melamine faced MDF sheets that I use for the back of the display unit and the actual shelves. In common with many building and timber products these sheets are in short supply at the moment and have  more or less doubled in price too. I am told delivery should be next week so will keep my fingers crossed. As soon as work starts on construction of the new unit I will post accordingly.

Regular readers will have noticed a new Imagi-Nations post this past week. As I mentioned previously the timeline is now within a couple of years of the present day so I decided to spread out the remaining chapters and publish just once a month. I hope you all still find them interesting.

I have been surprised that no one commented on the video I included in my last update on the battle of Isandlwana. Maybe everyone has already seen the film and I was late to the party. However if you have not watched it, I urge you to do so, it really is very good.


  1. I'm sorry Tony but I don't remember a link to a video in any of your recent posts. Probably me simply forgetting that you posted it! The price of building materials, especially timber, has risen across the board (excuse the pun) for a variety of reasons. I hope things settle back to a reasonable level son due to some planned DIY projects for the Autumn. Thankfully after an awful week of weather we've had a lovely day today, the first in a long time.

  2. I just went back and found the video - you’re right! It’s fascinating!

  3. For anyone wondering, it’s in the post from 31st July.

  4. Laura....Thanks, glad you liked it. I am amazed with the amount of time it must have taken to make. Very clever.

  5. Steve... As Laura mentioned, its in the post of 31 July. It really is very good and worth a look. Yes timber has become very expensive indeed. Wish I could say our weather has improved but still dull and damp here. The forecast looks a little better this coming week but I will believe it when it happens. Regards.
