Friday 26 March 2021


For this weeks update, I offer the reader something completely different !!!!

As a kid growing up in the late 50's and early 60's, like most boys of that generation we played cowboys and Indians regularly. The TV was full of western shows and I was very fond of the weapons of the cowboys, the Colt .45 revolver and the Winchester 73 rifle. My first "real" weapon was a Daisy BB gun similar to the Winchester. Later this was replaced by a Webley .22 air rifle, which I still have to this day.

Later in the early 70's I spent some time with my Aunt and Uncle in Colorado. My Uncle, a life long hunter and fisherman, owned a number of guns, all of which I fired on many occasions. Among his collection was a very old circa 1900 30.30 Winchester rifle. Very exciting to use but like most guns of that age the butt stock was a steel plate. I well remember how that hurt when fired !!!

This interest in guns has remained with me to this day. Of course with the gun laws in the UK being so strict, gun ownership is restricted to air rifles and pistols only. For a few years now I have been aware of the availability of "replica" air weapons. Nowadays you can buy a replica air weapon of virtually any military or historic gun imaginable. A couple of years ago I got to handle a Winchester "replica" rifle. I was very impressed but as they are rather expensive I decided against purchasing one. Over the past year however I have , under the influence of lockdown, become increasingly interested in these weapons.

Finally I have extravagantly bitten the bullet so to speak and this week I excitedly collected a Walther lever action .177 air rifle from a  local gun shop.

The gun is powered by CO2 and has an eight round magazine. Operating the lever action, just like the real thing, loads a pellet, brings the hammer back and charges the gun.

The gun is very accurate and straight from the box on my first go I managed this group at a range of 12 metres. A few adjustments to the sights have improved things even more. Dead-eye Dick is definitely back in the saddle !!!!

The magazines, of which I have bought five, means I am burning through rather more pellets than I expected. The first session used 90 !!!!!!

Loading the magazines in very clever. Depressing the reloading slot causes the magazine chamber to open as shown. The gas cartridges are located within the butt and accessed by removing the butt cap. 

Using the gun is addictive. The lever action sounds and feels so good. There are a number of video reviews of the gun on YouTube if you wish to see it in action. My model is the Wells Fargo edition with a gold engraved receiver mechanism and beautiful solid wood butt and fore stock.

I foresee using this gun on a regular basis and my only regret is not buying one a long time ago. Now, do I need a replica Colt .45 revolver to complete the set ??????


  1. Tony, so many of us growing up as kids in the 50's and 60's have similar fond memories - cowboy/Indian westerns on TV (heroes like the Lone Ranger could actually shoot the gun out of a bad guy's hand at 100 paces, and the bad guy never got hurt - now that's shootin'!), BB guns, air rifles, cap pistols (remember those?). I drooled over those old Winchester rifles, but never had one, toy or real. Seems like yesterday. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  2. Dale. Glad to have brought back fond memories. My gun is very much a a ticket into my past in many ways. Cap firing pistols...oh yes !!!!! Bet you cant get them anymore !!!! Regards Tony

  3. I still have my air rifle from my late teens and early 20s - a then rather expensive German lever action Weirauch with a telescopic sight. However it has been in store for years as my wife has always disapproved and I have never had anywhere safe to shoot it since I have been married. It was fine at my parents house as we had a very solid concrete garage at the bottom of the garden - so there was no possibility of overshoots! Suffice to say I am envious.....

  4. Ian.. Weirauch is a very good make and very much still around today. My new gun is also German made. I am very sorry that you have nowhere to shoot, you clearly miss it. I am fortunate to have a field at the bottom of the garden but have still made a carpet covered backstop just in case !!!!! Boys and their toys !!!!!! Regards Tony
