Friday 23 October 2020


I am back !!!!!!! After six weeks of bathroom and kitchen refurbishment and a week of painting and clearing up, the house is now back to some form of normal and life can resume including getting some modelling and blogging under way.

We are very pleased with the work that has been done, my wife is however starting to look at the rest of the house now with the comment that the new rooms put the others in the shade somewhat !!!!! maybe next year !!!!!! 

I hope readers are remaining safe with the virus upsurge, I think we are in for a tough winter but I hope a vaccine will become available in the new year and life generally can resume in the new normal what ever that may be.

Well as mentioned previously, I have done no modelling at all since August so nothing to report. Today is really my first day with time to resume my hobby. I have a couple of draft posts available and I will try to resume posting every other day as before. The first post will be a Battle Photo Shoot that I created around the time of the building work starting. I will polish the draft and post it over the weekend. I will also finalise the next chapter of IMAGI-NATIONS for posting early next week. 

As ever please let me have your comments, good or bad, they all help to inform what I write about in the future.


  1. I THOUGHT I hadn't seen anything for a while...

  2. Yes it has been rather busy here for a while now. However back to normal now. Regards.
