Sunday 29 March 2020


Once again this weeks modelling activities have been rather limited due to ongoing decorating as mandated by my wife. The kitchen has  now been painted in preparation for the re-fit due in April. However with the virus shutdown I see no chance of this happening before late summer at best. The bathroom renovations are now due to follow the kitchen so they too will be delayed. That said just surviving the virus will be a bonus so I am not complaining !!!!!! Anyway this week I have completed a batch of new GS wagons which now await painting as shown below.

I have completed another batch of light and heavy GS trailer upgrades together with finishing six more new Heavy Weapons companies needed to upgrade existing Infantry battalions. I will be spending time in my workshop next week building a new set of storage units that I promised myself months ago so I hope that later in the week I will get more modelling time and make a bit more progress.
Hope my readers are coping with the shutdown ok, please stay well.


  1. Tony - great progress and you are putting me to shame as I haven't manage to touch any of those wagons I want to build for my FP War army!

  2. Ian. It's a shame you have not been able to build those vehicles, the list was very interesting and those you have already made are excellent, you must let me have photos when you do get the new ones done please. Are you still at work ?? Any spare time during the lock down ?? No pressure !!!!

  3. I am still very much at work (albeit from home) and as busy as ever - but ironically the constraint hasn't been work but trying to get the house as a whole and my modelling/painting area in particular sorted after our building works finally finished two weeks ago! Sadly, the lockdown kicked in two days before our decorators were due to finsih and one day before the removal firm was due to return the contents of our lounge, kitchen and master bedroom back from storage....... :-(

  4. Oh wow that's a shame. Our kitchen and bathroom renovations were due to start on 20 April and I have done lots of prep work so I know how it feels. Maybe you will find time. Over the next few weeks, looking forward to seeing some photos anyway.
