Sunday 19 January 2020


These two books are both written by John Masters, maybe better known as the author of Bhowani Junction and a number of other fictional works. These books represent an autobiography of  his military career. The first book, which I have had for some years, details his graduation from Sandhurst and travel to India to join a Gurkha regiment of the Indian Army in 1934 and his life up to the outbreak of WW2 in 1939.
The most interesting aspect of his regimental life in India during the 1930's is that it is identical in almost every respect to regimental life in 1905 or even 1875. Apart from the odd reference to a lorry or bus there is no difference at all. If you are interested in that aspect of British India or the Gurkha regiments of the Raj this is the book for you.


This book was a present for my birthday late last year and covers the authors life during WW2 as he rose to the rank of Colonel and covers not only his military experiences but also his tortuous love life. A very interesting read on the activities of the Chindits during the Burma campaign with some fascinating insights into the actions and attitudes of the Anglo-American high command and the personalities of the various Generals in the Far Eastern theatre of war. Combat in the jungles of Burma is also covered in  gory detail. Overall a good book on a neglected campaign with lots of fascinating details of military life if you can cope with the complex nature of the author's love life that even came close to compromising his military career at one stage.

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