Friday 23 August 2019

I am pleased to report that, as predicted, I have enjoyed more modelling play time this week. As a result I have been able to half varnish the 500+ soldiers required for the Command battalions upgrade. In addition the 34 office and signals wagons have now been painted olive drab and the horses for these vehicles have also been "browned" in my standard horse colour. Finally I have completed the first batch of three Cavalry squadrons for my Cavalry regiments upgrade. Only another 15 squadrons to go !!!!!!

I am still working on the post about forge wagons that I mentioned back in May. The vehicles themselves were finished and issued months ago but other matters intervened to delay the "how to make" post. Anyway, its finally almost done so I expect to publish shortly. I am pleased to say I have now had my first couple of comments. As a result it was suggested to me that I  remove the moderation setting to enable comments to be added to the blog instantaneously. This I have now done. I hope it generates more comments please.


  1. Tony - the custom wagons you made from those Laing axle-trees have now inspired me - using small staples for the side grab handles is sheer genius!
    So, using your models as template, now on the stocks are: a Prussian two-wheeled field kitchen wagon (the German troops nicknamed these 'Gulasch kanone' in the last war), Prussian four-wheeled field bakery, a four-wheeled field forge, two telegraph wagons, one two-wheeled and one four-wheeled and finally, (with a huge debt to the ideas of fellow Peter Laing fan, Derek Moore - two four-wheeled balloon wagons!)

    1. Wow, that is very substantial build list. Good luck !!!! I mentioned the batch of forge wagons above, the "how to build" post will be published soon. I have included pictures of the German forge wagons on which my models are based. Please let me see photos of all these vehicles as and when they are finished, I really would be very interested. Many thanks for the comments, makes the blog so worth while. Regards. Tony
