Monday 19 August 2019

After a busy domestic week I have not managed to get much modelling time. In fact I have made no progress at all with the things I posted last time as work in progress!!!!! What little time I did manage at the work station was spent implementing the changes to Command battalions previously mentioned. For some reason or other I decided not to carry on with the several jobs on the bench but instead decided to collect the 300 odd soldiers currently with Command battalions that required repainting, which together with another 200 new soldiers, actually represents the organisational changes. I have managed to carry out most of the repainting, which was around changing arm of service  and rank colours.  I now have about 500+ soldiers to varnish !!!!!!! That's what comes of deciding to make changes that affect 19 battalions !!!!!  I hope to get more "play" time later this week at which time I hope to make some progress with the other outstanding tasks.
 In the meantime I see I am still getting a lot of visitors to my blog yet no one seems willing to leave a comment on what they see or read. I am at a loss to explain this, please let me know what you think of my ramblings, good bad or ugly, I really would appreciate some feedback please.


  1. Hi Tony, I tried to add a comment from my i-Pad at breakfast, but it didn't appear, so this is a test!
