Monday 6 December 2021


My "go to" glue is UHU Hart.                                                                                                                      


This is an excellent glue especially made for balsa which is the basic material of all my vehicles but it is also good for sticking metal to wood provided it is used generously. I have only found one model shop that sells this glue, fortunately for me it isn't too far away but I still buy several tubes at a time. However it is readily available on the interweb. 

 The one thing it will not stick is plastic to wood. Therefore I use super glue where there is plastic which is basically only on artillery guns. That said I still roughen the plastic surfaces to ensure a good bond. I am allergic to super glue so I have to wear a mask and ensure the room is well ventilated. That means window wide open , not a big deal unless it's winter in which case I freeze !!!!! I also use an activator with the super glue, it's just so much faster. In fact if I was not allergic to it I would use superglue for everything.

 The other glues I use are plastic model glue when building cavalry but I will explain that later in an article on cavalry construction and hot melt glue which I use in the construction of GS wagons but again I will cover that in a future article on wagon construction.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Mark.. I used to use regular Bostick up to about ten years ago when I found this stuff. Its especially made for balsa and other woods but glues metal, paper etc too. It is not stringy like regular UHU and is especially good at strengthening joints and gap filling as it does not shrink. Hart means hard in German and it is when dry. I have never seen it anywhere except the one model shop in Wolverhampton and online. Highly recommended. Regards.
